© Noel Harrower 2018
Noel harrower
PRESS RELEASE THE RETURN OF NOAH YOUNG MUSLIMS, CHRISTIANS AND JEWS WORK TOGETHER TO FIGHT CLIMATE CHANGE Three Nottingham Youth Groups are combining forces on an environment project called “Operation Noah”. They have been backed by a grant from the Prince’s Trust and another from the Nottingham Partnership Council. The groups are St. Andrew’s- with-Castlegate United Reformed Junior Church, Bobber’s Mill Muslim Youth Club and the Jewish Lads and Girls Brigade. At their first meeting on Sunday 8 th February, they were visited by Mr Noah, who told them that the seas were rising again, possibly through climate change and several inhabited islands in the Pacific were in danger of disappearing under the waves. The youngsters agreed to help spread the word and to engage in some local initiatives. They are preparing some banners and making a CD Rom. Noah is known to all three faiths through their Holy Books, and all faiths believe it is our duty to care for the earth. Statements: “Nottingham Jewish Lads and Girls Brigade are delighted to be involved. This is also the launch our New Year Festival of Trees. All the children planted seeds and shared a dish of fifteen fruits.” Alan Somerstein. “It was good to share our knowledge and beliefs with members of other faiths and we look forward to other meetings,” Kassim Hussein, aged 12. “I enjoyed making the animals and other art work. Africam drumming was great and it was good to play games with new people.” Jacob Gaunt, aged 9. Activities included an African drum message, art work and video filming. The project continues until the end of March and will include allotment gardening and role play on the story of the flood brought up to date. A CD Rom will be made to show other youth groups how it was done. “ Nottingham Inter Faith were proud to be able to bring these enterprising young people together. There are further meetings on Sunday afternoons on 29 th February, 14 th and 28 th of March ,” said Council Chairman, Noel Harrower . Photographs of the events are available for publication. FOR FURTHER INFO CONTACT NOEL HARROWER, TEL: 9569304
Website by Rob Masding